The failure to contact an attorney promptly can jeopardize one’s rights and the ability to maximize one’s settlement.
The same goes for traffic cam footage and videos from nearby establishments. These recordings do not last long. If no request is sent within just a few days from the incident, valuable evidence is lost. This type of evidence can make the world of difference when there are two different versions of an incident. We’ve had instances where law enforcement initially determined the wreck wasn’t the fault of the other driver only to learn later, based on video footage of a nearby store, that the other driver was at fault.
Liability insurance companies must also be notified within a specified time period. Each insurance policy defines this time period differently. Waiting too long to contact an attorney can jeopardize the opportunity to recover money from all of the applicable insurance policies.
If a government agency is involved, a notice of the claim must also be sent to the government within a specified time. The specified time depends on whether the claim is brought against the state, county, or municipality. Certain key information must be included within this notice and demand. Contacting an attorney early is critical to gather all of the necessary information before sending the demand within the specified time.
We can go on and on about why it’s important to contact an attorney sooner than later. All of our attorneys and staff welcome the opportunity to take the burden off of you, to do a thorough investigation, and to work to maximize the value of your case. Give us a call today!